GUI+ user interface

The blueprint of your house is your control switch.
In today’s modern house, more and more technical functions are integrated by a TELETASK smart home system. This integration guarantees that all functions are better geared to each other and furthermore makes the control of the house available wherever you need it.
The GUI+ Software is a graphical user interface for a user-friendly control of the TELETASK integrated home automation system using the floor plan of your house. Your Windows touch screen, PC, laptop or tablet will be turned into a versatile and personal interface in no time. By simply touching your touch screen or clicking the mouse pointer, you can be switch/dim lights, manipulate (colour) LED lighting, change room temperature settings, control blinds, shutters, curtains, windows, doors, gates… and any other electrical appliance.
Furthermore, TELETASK GUI+ offers the possibility to display cameras. Curious about the weather forecast or traffic information webpage? This information is only a click away. And last but not least, you have complete graphical freedom in the design and look of your floor plans: classic or modern, cottage or Mediterranean… you decide what mood your GUI+ will make for you.
Extensive graphical possibilities, user-friendliness and amazing functionalities makes the GUI+ one of the most desired high-end control solutions for the integrated house.
There is something for everyone
Your GUI+ can be installed on different devices: a standard PC, notebook PC or an in-wall mounted touch screen, according your wishes. Or maybe you would rather go wireless: install your GUI+ on a Windows tablet that you carry along the house or building.
Floor plans
The design of your house will reappear in the look of your GUI+. Just hand over the desired floor plan to your electrical installer and he will turn it into a stylish GUI+ suiting your personal taste. The factory supplied GUI+ library is stacked with hundreds of icons of lamps, wall sockets, curtains, sun blinds, appliances, multimedia… and of course, should you not find the right icon for your retro 50ies lamp, you can always import your own custom made image.
TELETASK offers design touch screens for wall mouting, specificaly for the use of GUI+. Check the MAIOR touch screen family for more information.